by LawGina | Sep 24, 2023 | Bankruptcy and Property Collateral
Collateral is when your property can be taken if you do not pay on a debt. It’s also commonly known as secured debt. The most common example of this is a house or a car. For example, if you don’t make your car payment the lender can repossess your vehicle.
If you do not make your mortgage payment, the lender can foreclose and take possession of your house. The most common example of “cross-collateralization” that we see in bankruptcy cases is most commonly employed by credit unions. People have a car loan and an unsecured credit card or personal loan with the credit union – the credit union will make you pay off the credit card or personal loan in order to obtain the title to your vehicle. Its usually up to the amount of equity in the car. For example, your car loan is for $15,000.
The value of your car is $20,000. You have a signature loan with the same creditor for $10,000. The creditor can make you pay $20,000 to obtain title to your vehicle. You always have the option to surrender your vehicle if you don’t want to pay the extra amount added onto the loan by your credit union. The good news is if you surrender your vehicle in the bankruptcy you owe nothing to the car company.
We always recommend having your checking and savings account and/or vehicle at a banking institution where you don’t have any credit lines. If you have any questions or need to make a decision about whether its better to keep your vehicle or pay the creditor we can assist in letting your know the pros and cons.
by LawGina | Sep 20, 2023 | After Bankruptcy
All of your creditors get listed in the bankruptcy petition so as soon as the bankruptcy petition is filed, the court will mail your creditors the 341 meeting of creditor’s notice. The notice has your case number is located on the notice so they can log on and review all pleadings that get filed in the case.
If you have an active state court case where a lawsuit is pending against a creditor we file what is called a Suggestion of Bankruptcy in the underlying case. That alerts the Judge and all the parties in the State Court case that there is an automatic stay in effect, the litigation must stop because of the active bankruptcy. If you have any co-debtors they also receive a notice from the court.
People often ask if their employer gets notified of the bankruptcy. Your employer will not get notice of your bankruptcy filing. Similarly, people also ask if their landlord on a residential lease gets notified. You do have to list any leases/contracts so they do ordinarily receive notice.
This usually does not present an issue as long as, you are making your rent payments on time to your landlord. If you are involved in a domestic violence type of situation, we can get the court to seal the address from your file for your protection.
Your bankruptcy will typically not show up in a general google search so don’t be deterred from filing for bankruptcy because you think you people will find out. The case is filed in Federal Court and requires Pacer access to view case information.