by LawGina | Dec 31, 2023 | Bankruptcy
An insider payment is when you borrow money from a friend or family member and repay them within twelve months prior to filing your bankruptcy case.
The significance of an insider payment is that the trustee can make you pay the bankruptcy estate the same amount of your insider payment in order to get your bankruptcy discharged. For example, six months prior to filing your bankruptcy case, you repaid your mom $5,000. Because you chose to repay your mom instead of using that money to pay your creditors the trustee will require you to pay him/her $5,000. The trustee in turn takes that $5,000 and uses it to pay creditors.
Your other option is to wait to file until the twelve months have expired since the time of your insider payment. We strongly recommend not repaying friends or family members during your bankruptcy process to avoid this as an issue in your case.
An insider payment is different from a gift because it is a repayment. Any gifts over $600 to any one individual two years prior to filing your bankruptcy case or any charitable donations need to be disclosed as well on your paperwork.
Any insider payment regardless of the amount of the repayment is required to be disclosed. If you have any questions about an insider payment and how it may potentially affect your bankruptcy case, it is best to consult with an attorney to determine the best time to file your case.
by LawGina | Jul 22, 2022 | Bankruptcy
There are certain income qualifications for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Social security income, including social security disability does not count as income on the means test (the test on the bankruptcy petition that determines which chapter of bankruptcy you qualify for). Similarly, veteran disability benefits do not count as income. For example, if you are receiving social security or veteran disability benefits you could make an unlimited amount per month and still qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Some people are surprised that pensions for government work such as teachers, police officers, military, or firemen still count as income. Workers’ compensation benefits also count as income. Short-term or long-term disability from a private company that is not social security are considered income. Regular wages or income from self-employment are considered income. Child support and alimony are considered income on the means test. Even if the income is not taxable, it could still qualify as income on the means test.
The issue of whether money in your account at the time of filing is exempt is a totally different issue than whether it counts as income on the means test. For example, workers compensation, child support and alimony are generally exempt even though they are considered as income on the means test Any money you have in your bank account from one of these sources in addition to social security or veteran disability benefits would be protected from the trustee.
We can exempt up to 75% of wages in your bank account. However, self-employment income is not exempt. It is important to have an attorney help you evaluate your candidacy for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy and to ensure you maximize your property exemptions.